The World Bank offers financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Through its Supported Health Project Implementation Unit, it partnered with COAF to renovate and refurbish the Karakert health clinic in 2006 and the Dalarik health clinic in 2009. The projects involved renovation and modernization of the facilities, as well as provision of equipment, medical supplies and a vehicle for emergency cases. The World Bank also contributed to the construction works on the site of Arteni Hospital. In addition, through its Water Sector Development and Institutional Improvements Project Implementation Unit, The World Bank is supporting the reconstruction and repair of the irrigation water network, an important component in the rehabilitation of the Model Cluster villages. The repair of 4,5 km of irrigation channels has been completed, and currently work on 3,74 km of the irrigation water network in Dalarik and 2,89 km in Miasnikian is in progress. These projects will significantly increase the agricultural capacity of these communities and neighboring villages.

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