"Disease Optional"

Either we fix this or we don't

 Masks should cover 

mouth, chin and nose

 correct  correct 2






There are a few ways *not* to wear a mask correctly.

Of course, none of these are seen in Armenia, 

especially in stores, on buses or in jazz clubs.

As Armenians, it can be    

challenging to cover

our noses with anything

smaller than a pup tent.

only inhaling thru nose Real Armo nose
Some other fashionable styles:    


"speak no evil"



the "chin strap"

speak no evil   chin strap
"earring"   "reverse earring"
earring   reverse earring




"throat warmer"

(great for winter weather)

throat warmer  



and very stylish fashions for people on the go:

arm band  sexy "arm band"  
 very practical "elbow pad"  


elbow pad

  What happened to my watch?   on my watch




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